Join us for PurpleStride Los Angeles 2021: Team Stan the Man, honoring our uncle, Stan Scherdorf!

TWICE AS NICE! We will MATCH your generous gift in support of PanCAN and efforts to improve outcomes for patients and families facing this challenging disease!*
When Stan was diagnosed in 2001, 5-year survival was only about 4%. Latest stats show that figure now at 10%. Together, we've made a big impact, but we have a long way to go. Together, we WILL make pancreatic cancer a more manageable disease, with vastly improved survival.
Stan was taken from us far too soon and less than three months after diagnosis. We choose to be motivated to action in order to change the status quo for this terrible disease.
By participating in PurpleStride Los Angeles again this year (Saturday, May 1), we seek to support the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, which has a comprehensive strategy to improve the future for patients and their families, by raising awareness, by advocating for more federal funding, by directly funding more peer-reviewed research and by providing important services to patients and families currently facing the disease. Ultimately, we want to put an end to this disease. Make it a part of history. Just imagine that for a moment! \
It's up to all of us! Please join us at the event, join our team -- Purple Reign -- or make a donation. Or both! Even if you can't come to the event, you can be a "virtual" team member. But action is necessary -- sitting on your hands is not an option! -- and we all have a meaningful opportunity to be part of the solution; don't pass that up! And thank you for your consideration.
Robin and Rick Leonard
*Double your gift! Robin (R Leonard CSR, Inc.) and Rick Leonard will be matching donations up to $7,380 made on or before May 1!